Our Team
Kent Koeman
Director of Sales and Marketing
Posted on June 1, 2020
Kent started as a calibration technician in 2007, supplementing his full-time Middle School teaching position. He moved to Pipettes.com full time, joining the sales staff, and is now directing the sales team, operations team, and many marketing efforts. His passion for developing excellent customer services and experience with all types of pipette instruments makes him able to advise customers on their pipettes and service programs. He's flown around the country to visit clients, solve problems, create solutions, and offer pipette accuracy training seminars.
Michael Anema
Laboratory Director
Posted on June 1, 2020
Michael joined Pipettes.com as a calibration tech in 1999 and worked his way up to Director of Laboratory Operations. Along the way he helped develop systems that meet the service demands of our customers, quality demands of the regulatory industry and operational demands of running a profitable business. Michael has a BA from Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois, and is a member of ASTM.
Aubrey Carr
Quality Director
Posted on June 1, 2020
Aubrey has a B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Science with a concentration in Clinical Microbiology from Fitchburg State University. She worked as a Laboratory and QC technician in both academic research laboratory and Biotech/Pharma industries along with performing customer service/sales support for a serological product supply company. Aubrey joined Pipettes.com in 2007 as a Laboratory Supervisor and trained as a Pipette Calibration technician. Aubrey gradually pursued supporting the quality department where she became the Quality Assistant, then Quality Manager, and eventually took over as Director of Quality in 2012. She is a member of ASTM, and participating in the working group ISO/TC 48/WG 4 to update ISO 8655 (standard of pipette calibration in the lab).