Tailored Training for Your Lab

Training Options

Industry studies show users – not equipment – are responsible for as many as 70% of laboratory pipetting errors. The plain fact is that pipetting skills vary greatly from one user to another. Pipette measurement variability can significantly affect test accuracy and hamper confirmation of results, leading to regular cost increases.


Different levels of skill, understanding or and awareness often leads to different pipetting inaccuracies and poor repeatability. Prime examples of such concerns are:

  • Pipette tip installation forces
  • Tip pre-wetting technique
  • Pipette aspiration angles
  • Pipette dispensing technique
  • Blow-out
  • Thermal transfer
  • Choice and type of pipette tip

Failure to control these factors can lead to 20%, 30% or even 50% deviations in measurement. This level of variability will greatly distort your test results and leads to costly

  • rework
  • reagent waste
  • test delays
  • and more


More to the point, in our training program experiences, after 1-on-1 personal instruction most pipette users see an immediate improvement in measurement performance (based on a comparison of before and after measurement data with our training program).


To help remedy these problems in your lab, Transcat offers a uniquely innovative and comprehensive selection of Pipette Performance Training. Our programs provide a variety of skill-boosting and performance-enhancing techniques that identify and correct individual pipetting flaws to significantly help to your team’s productivity and overall effectiveness, thereby reducing inaccuracies that ultimately lead to waste and ballooning costs. These options include:


Option 1: Online Training Session

The most basic of our pipette training option is a one-hour on-site presentation or on-line webinar titled: Minimizing Pipette Error in the Lab – Best Practices Approach.

This is an interactive, 60-minute PowerPoint training session that’s available on-demand to Transcat’s customers and your entire staff at your convenience. Each session concludes with a Q&A for direct answers for individual situations.


Option 2: Pipette User Training (with Individual Base-line Performance Evaluation)

In addition to taking part in the Option 1 session, above, each individual participant in Option 2 will first participate in an in-lab, hands-on performance evaluation that establishes an individual performance baseline with a set of Transcat-certified pipette standards. Individuals will be instructed to use their skills to perform a series of measurements and will receive a personalized report that includes both a statistical analysis and visual observations of their performance. Following performance training, participants are likely to better understand and value the performance improvement opportunities presented in the PowerPoint and Q&A session.


Option 3: Advanced Pipette Performance Training

Participants in Option 3, our most effective and comprehensive training option, each receive a 20-minute, 1-on-1 personal training session from our training experts, that provides independent coaching and guidance and hands on demonstration of corrective pipetting techniques. A personalized report will include a detailed analysis of before and after performance data, highlighting corrective skills that almost always show immediate performance improvement.

As with all training programs, improvements are best obtained with continued practice and application of learned techniques. To learn more about how Transcat can help you improve the competence and skills of your laboratory staff, please contact us at 800-242-6022.


or give us a call at 1-800-242-6022 for additional information.